Riding Safe

Posted by  //  April 3, 2012  //  Articles

Motorcycle accident statistics are alarming. Let’s face it if a motorcycle is involved in an accident with a passenger vehicle, the motorcyclist does not have the normal safety nets built into our bikes. We do not have seatbelts, air bags or are we encapsulated in steel.

A whopping 75% of motorcycle accidents involve collision with another vehicle, where failure of motorists to recognize motorcycles is the leading cause. Per mile traveled , a motorcyclist is approximately 16 times more likely to die in a crash than an automobile occupant. And 3 times as likely to be injured.

Bikers need to use safety riding gear to help their odds in case of an accident. Or to help prevent an accident. The San Antonio oilfield injury lawyers deal with such cases too – based on a personal injuries law firm

DOT APPROVED SAFETY HELMETS are the most critical factor in preventing death in an accident. Make sure that your helmet is DOT and has been properly fitted. Helmet use among fatally injured motorcyclists is below 50 percent! A startling 46% of fatally injured motorcycle drivers were not wearing helmets at the time of the crash! Helmets also offer shelter from wind noise and turbulence. In case of an accident it is good to call a long beach car accident lawyer. Getting the services of a personal injury lawyer from a trusted car accident law firm will increase the chance of getting the right compensation for you. And, if you are a new lawyer looking for legal placement opportunities, you may search online or contact a legal recruitment agency or a legal recruiter.

Secondly statistics show that in most fatalities to bikers the motorist states that “they did not see the motorcycle” So it’s simple again MAKE YOUR SELF MORE VISIBLE. Biker jackets and helmets come in reflective material and hi-visibility colors. There are also lightweight vests that can be worn right over your current jacket. If accidents occur in Bronx serving wrongful death lawyer can provide legal advice.

EYE PROTECTION keeps all manner of debris and bugs from flying into your eyes. Visors in helmets offer built-in eye protection, but some riders prefer to wear separate eye protection so they can enjoy a tinted field of vision that’s removable when the sun drops.

EARPLUGS are absolutely safety equipment. Wind noise on a motorcycle can become extreme at highway speeds, and your hearing can suffer damage after enough repeated exposure to loud sounds.

A wide variety of JACKETS are available, offering many options when it comes to upper body protection. The safest and most protective being armored at the elbows, shoulder and spine. Jackets reduce or prevent abrasion injuries

A basic human reflex to break your fall is an extension of the hands which can cause considerable damage if thrown off your bike. Protect your palms, knuckles, and fingers with sturdily constructed, well-padded GLOVES preferable gauntlet-style ones that extend past the wrist. If you are ever part of a motorcycle accident, consider giving a call to the rochester motorcycle accident lawyer to get everything in order.

And finally a good pair of RIDING BOOTS to protect your feet and ankles.

RIDE SAFE and have fun. There’s nothing like the wind in your face and the freedom of the road.

Linda Jones
Owner, Double “J” Biker Shop

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