June 6-16 – The Ladies Man (CRT)

Posted by  //  May 26, 2012  //  Arts & Live Music, Calendar of Events

A new farce written by Charles Morey, who “freely translated and adapted” it from the French play Tailleur Pour Dames by Georges Feydeau. This infectiously charming and zany farce takes place in Paris, where middle aged and recently married Dr. Hercule Molineaux tells “one tiny, little, hardly noticeable lie” to his beautiful young wife in order to hide an embarrassing male “incompetence”. The craziness begins when his ogre of a mother-in-law gets involved, not to mention an outrageously aggressive female patient, her overly jealous Prussian husband, a confused patient with an unfortunate speech impediment and two overly nosey servants, all running in and out of more slamming doors than realistic architecture should ever accommodate. For more information visit www.cortlandrep.org or call 1-800-427-6160.

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