Many who come to classes at Yoga Farm or follow us on Facebook have asked about meditation. Once the domain of monks and ...
Have you noticed this trending word, Hygge, popping up more and more in your social media feeds and in blog posts? If yo ...
If you feel lost, go within. The map and the treasure reside within you already. It is your own voice that speaks the la ...
Meditation is a simple, natural process that your body and mind already know how to do. Meditation is an opportunity to ...
2 weeks ago, I shared about some of the reasons why yoga is beneficial. Yoga is a physical practice that has mental and ...
If you ask some of the 27-37 million people in America who practice yoga, ‘why?’, you’ll get a whole range of answ ...
All human beings are wired to connect. We crave the nourishment that kind and uplifting connections afford us, and it is ...
YOU are unique. Your life experiences, your body and mind, your relationships, your loves, your desires, are unique. A b ...
+ Every Day You are Born Anew. + Today, ‘Who You Be’, scene by scene, is All that truly Matters. In Part 1, we discu ...
Every Day You are Born Anew. Today, ‘Who You Be’, scene by scene, is All that truly Matters. Those two sentences can ...