Creature Feature – Oh Deer!
Posted by Dustin Horton // June 16, 2021 // Articles, Creature Feature
Many of us have had harrowing encounters with wildlife on the road, with most drivers reporting at least one close call behind the wheel. Along with squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, woodchucks and even low-flying birds of prey, deer are among the most commonly encountered animals on our roads and highways. They are also one of those most often hit. Unfortunately, car collisions with deer can be both costly and dangerous. If you’ve been involved in a deer accident, it’s important to consult with an experienced accident lawyer like those in https://halelaw.com/right-of-way-u-turn-versus-right-turn-who-has-the-right-of-way/.
Although accidents involving deer spike during the fall mating season when the animals are on the move, they occur year round and it is better to hire a qualified personal injury lawyers practicing Yakima to fight for your injury claims. In springtime, grass and clover are greening up along road edges, and deer relish the tender, new growth. During summer, roadside mowing encourages more new vegetation growth, which continues to attract deer. They also come to the roadways in winter to lick the salt used to manage ice. So we inadvertently lure deer to our roads all year long and experienced lawyers from a reputed personal injury law firm say that this increases the chances of potentially dangerous encounters for motorists.
As it is an accident-prone area, according to car accident lawyers, to help prevent an accident on the road, be aware of deer activity warning signs, and slow down during dawn, dusk, and evening hours when they are most active. Drive defensively, anticipating “what if” situations, and avoid swerving, which can result into serious car accidents. Car crash in New Jersey? Make sure to contact injury lawyers. Call a car accident lawyer from Judd Shaw Injury Law.
Article & Photo by Margie Manthey