Creature Feature – A Parting Gift
Posted by Dustin Horton // September 15, 2020 // Articles, Creature Feature
Sadly, it is time to say “bon voyage!” to our delightful hummingbirds for another year as they make their arduous fall migration to kinder winter climates — most flying all the way across the Gulf of Mexico into Central America. What an amazing feat!
Some people believe that if nectar feeders are left out this time of year, it will cause hummingbirds to delay their migration, putting them at risk for encountering harsh weather. THIS IS A MYTH. In truth, it benefits hummingbirds to have access to our feeders as they journey south, especially as many nectar-producing gardens and wildflowers are withering. The rule of thumb is to keep your nectar feeder hanging for around 2 weeks after you have seen the last hummingbird (make sure to continue replacing the nectar every 4-5 days to avoid sickening the birds). Other tiny travelers passing through will rest and re-energize themselves, thanks to your parting gift. Late-season stragglers will be in special need of the boost as temperatures dip and natural food sources are scant.
Enjoy every hummingbird encounter you are blessed with, as we bid adieu to these tiny travelers for another year.
Article & Photo by Margie Manthey