3 Every Day

Posted by  //  September 17, 2012  //  3 Every Day, Articles

People in our day in age love getting pampered, whether it’s going to get a pedicure or a massage its fun and it feels great. Oddly enough people aren’t the only ones that love getting pampered, so do cows. Hi, I am Hannah Baker and I am the Tompkins County Dairy Princess. A dairy farmer’s job is to take care of their cows, which usually turns into “pampering”. On some farms cows are given water beds, yes water beds, to lie on for more comfort. On other farms, like mine, the cow stalls are bedded with sand for extra comfort so the cows can feel like they’re always on the beach. We all know that on a hot day the best place to be is in front of the air conditioner and for the cows on my farm they can always cool off in front of the huge fans placed in our barns. We also have cold water for the cows to cool off with whenever they need. Along with that, throughout the barn there are also back-scratchers for the cows in case they have an itch. We also provide the cows rubber mats on the floor in front of the feed bunk so when the cows are eating their feet don’t get sore standing for a long period of time. And speaking of food, did you know that cows have their own nutritionist to provide them with a balanced diet to keep them healthy? A hoof trimmer comes every month to give the cows a “pedicure”. This not only keeps their hooves trimmed and looking nice but gives us chance to check for any feet related health problems. So when you’re consuming your three dairy products every day you can take comfort knowing that the food is coming from very well taken care of animals.

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