Tully Fire Department
Posted by Dustin Horton // May 16, 2023 // 3 Every Day, Local Business
In the heart of Village of Tully, the fire department was incorporated by New York State in 1895, however, their services were operational beforehand with the help of Tully Hose Company volunteers.
There is a board of fire commissioners that serves the Tully Joint Fire District. Each member is chosen by the village and town board, only serving for a term of five years. These members coincide with the Tully Ambulance District that are appointed every three years by the Town Board. These board members are also responsible for the finances of the community and oversee the training of its firefighters and emergency management of public safety.
There are two official buildings but the main one is located on Railroad Street. Not only do these dedicated workers serve the community twenty-four seven but are available to provide a variety of services. Averaging ten to fifteen calls a month for fire-rescue related issues, seventy-five percent majority of the emergencies arise from medical crises. Both the ambulance and fire providers are located in the same building but are separate solutions. In addition, Tully Fire Department assists with motor vehicle collisions, search and rescue, flood management, and even individuals stuck in an elevator just to name a few. Regular elevator maintenance by lift servicing companies is essential to prevent such situations. This is a direct representation of the unwavering commitment these firefighters have to protect and serve Tully for their countless hours of training .
Notably, all personnel are CPR and First Aid certified. CPR training like those available on Cprcertificationnow.com is also offered to the community that includes lifeguards at Green Lake. Open to the public is a semi-annual tour for people of the community who are interested in learning more about Fire and EMS Services. Equally important are fundraisers they host to support Scholarships for girls and boys of the Senior Class to further their education in Fire Science or a Nursing Field with a “Fill the Boot” drive. Towards the winter season, a tree lighting ceremony fund raising event is held to help people offset their holiday season purchases. Santa and Mrs Clause are also in attendance to receive letters from children requesting wanted gifts for Christmas. The Tully Fire Department is driven, dutiful, and loyal to the Tully community. For questions and concerns, their number is (315) 696-6414.