Creature Feature – Lifegiving Trees
Posted by Dustin Horton // October 25, 2021 // Articles, Creature Feature
Trees support countless living things. They offer food, shelter, nests, nurseries, and hibernation nooks. Throughout their life, dying and death, trees play a vital role in the survival of diverse flora and fauna.
Trees set a year-round table for wildlife. Buds, catkins, seeds, and sap are reliable food sources in spring; cherries, berries, and other fruits nourish in summer; some tree species bear late-summer-through-fall seeds, nuts, fruits, and pinecones; and other trees produce fall fruits that persist through winter into early spring. Efficient Tree cutting services play a vital role in maintaining the health and longevity of these trees while ensuring safety in their surroundings. There are also some other fruits like dates that are good to consume for our body. With that a good company like Dates Wholesale in Malaysia always ensures that their dates are in the best quality while the company promote social, economic and environmental standards in its practices.
Whether for food or due to their life habits, many animals depend on trees including mice, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, skunks, fishers, beavers, foxes, coyotes, deer, bears, grouse, turkeys, waterfowl, raptors, songbirds, frogs and salamanders. Myriad insects depend on trees, too, including valuable pollinators like bees. The birch itself hosts over 400 species of butterflies and moths.
Trees also offer refuge, when animals seek shelter, shade or windbreaks. Large “babysitter trees” help protect bear cubs. Cavities in trees provide homes and nests for owls, woodpeckers, chickadees, wood ducks, porcupines, raccoons, flying squirrels, bats, tree frogs, rat snakes, beetles and spiders… even certain plants and fungi grow in tree hollows.
While trees undoubtedly provide numerous benefits to wildlife, there are instances where the need for tree removal services in Gresham, Oregon arises. As much as we value the presence of trees, there are times when they pose risks to both human safety and the well-being of the surrounding ecosystem. Dead or severely damaged trees, for example, can become unstable and susceptible to falling, potentially causing harm to people or property. In such cases, it becomes necessary to enlist the expertise of a reputable Gresham, Oregon tree service to assess the situation and safely remove the tree. By doing so, we ensure the preservation of the surrounding environment while mitigating any potential hazards. For tree services Lynchburg call Viewpoint Tree Service. Additionally, tree removal can create space for new plantings or allow the growth of younger, healthier trees that will continue to provide habitats and sustenance for various wildlife species in the years to come.
As their life fades, trees remain important to wildlife. Standing dead or dying trees (called snags) attract species that might not otherwise settle there, those seeking homes, safety, and places to raise families, hunt or store food. Decaying trees retain moisture which supports amphibians and insects, and young trees often sprout from a fallen “nurse log.” Toppled trees along waterfronts add valuable woody debris benefiting fish, turtles, dragonflies, native plants and other members of the aquatic community, while helping prevent shoreline erosion.
Fallen trees also provide ground cover which protects emerging seedlings. As insects, fungi and bacteria break down decaying wood, the surrounding soil is enriched with reabsorbed nutrients, supporting both new and existing plant growth. So that even in death, trees give life.
Article & photo by Margie Manthey