Mike’s Fish Tank – Fiddler Crabs

Posted by  //  November 23, 2020  //  Articles, Mike's Fish Tank

A lot of people come to me and wonder why their fiddler crab died.

Fiddler crabs are only semi-aquatic, meaning they live both in water and on land. Males and females are easy to tell apart.

Male fiddlers have one large claw and one small one; females have two small claws. Hardy and easy to care for, crabs can live up to three years and grow to 2 inches in length. Regardless of what you are told, they can not survive indefinitely in water.They have to be able to get out of the water. I usually keep the tank half full with a decoration that sticks out of the water. That way they can come out when they want to.

Like all crabs, fiddler crabs shed their shells as they grow. If they have lost legs or claws during their present growth cycle, a new one will be present when they molt. If the large fiddler claw is lost, males will develop one on the opposite side after their next molt. Newly molted crabs are very vulnerable because of their soft shells. They are reclusive and hide until the new shell hardens.

Sometimes you will see the male waving his big claw, it can be a signal to other males to stay away or it is a courtship kind of thing to attract a female.

As far as feeding, they are scavengers and eat almost anything. I give them shrimp pellets because it sinks and they can eat it easier.

Another crab that is fairly hardy are the red crabs. They are red in color and do not have big claws. They seem to mix ok with the fiddlers. Keep in mind, if a small fish gets too close to a crab,they may get caught and eaten.

Pets A Plenty is located on Rte 281 Cortland, across from Tops Market in the TJ Nails Plaza. 753-9213. Open 7 days a week. We now have a website. www.petsaplety.biz. check it out. I post care sheets, coupons, new animal arrivals, contests and more. Any questions, email me at friskyy@hotmail.com

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