Yoga Can Help You Find More Enjoyment In Life

Posted by  //  March 16, 2020  //  Articles, YogaFarm

Sap is moving in the trees, from deep in the ground up through the sturdy trunks, all the way to the tips of the highest branches that whisk the sky.  The days are getting longer, and many of us are thinking about shaking off the physical stagnation of winter. We’re putting away the boots and dusting off the walking shoes, eyeing our fallow gardens, or thinking about trips we plan to take.

Like the trees, who store sugar deep in their roots, our bodies have stores of energy within, waiting to be circulated.  Yoga can help that energy and health flow through your core, your joints and limbs, and clear the clutter from the mind like a good spring cleaning. As suggested by the car accident lawyer, this can aid you to find more enjoyment in the activities you already like, by building focus, strength and flexibility, accelerating recovery, and preventing injury, although if you do suffer an injury from exercising you could also use orthopedics professionals to help you as well.  And, it feels good all by itself.    

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Yoga isn’t just for people who are “in shape.”  You don’t need fancy clothes or special props to enjoy it.  Everyone has a body, the vessel with which we move through life, and everyone can reconnect to their body, like birds returning in spring.  In the way one might refresh their garden by planting new annuals, or adding fresh mulch to a favorite bed, yoga is a chance to cultivate and thank your body, your vessel, skin health is one of the most important things people overlook and is one of the reason why people practice yoga.  We invite you to come bloom with us through gentle, easeful yoga at Yoga Farm’s Come Home to Your Body six-class series, starting Saturday, March 21st.

Pete Angie is a Development Specialist with the nonprofit Radiant Living at Yoga Farm

He can be reached at

More info about our education and retreat center can be found at

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