Creature Feature – The Tiger Musky
Posted by Dustin Horton // January 23, 2019 // Articles, Creature Feature
The tiger musky is a hybrid between a northern pike and a muskellunge. It is produced in fish hatcheries for stocking purposes and has been introduced into many NY lakes and rivers since the 1970’s. Tigers themselves are sterile; but naturally produced fish sometimes occur — the rare “oops” in nature that results from pike and pure-strain muskies spawning together. Tigers are predatory fish and are often introduced to help reduce and control an invasive species or an undesirable fish. They are also stocked to create exciting angling opportunities. Their inability to procreate prevents long-term issues, should they become problematic. These aggressive gamefish grow fairly quickly and can get quite large but not as large as what Jimmy John Shark caught (the NYS record is a 50-inch, 35.8 pound fish caught in 1990). Tigers can be a challenge to catch and a real thrill, too. What’s more, they’re positively spectacular looking, with dark stripes and spots over a lighter, almost metallic background. NY State boasts some of the best tiger musky fishing in the region.
Article by Margie Manthey
Photo by Tyler Manthey