September 14, 21 & October 5 – Advanced Compost Series
Posted by Dustin Horton // August 18, 2017 // Calendar of Events
@ CCE-Tompkins, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY
Go beyond the basics and “dig” deeper into the art and science of composting in this three-class series: Class 1 – the compost process, Class 2 – testing and compost use, and Class 3 – troubleshooting and advanced techniques. Come to one class or all. Go home a more proficient and enthusiastic composter in time for fall leaf season. Cost is $5/class or $10 for the 3-class series. REGISTER ONLINE HERE, call (607) 272-2292 to register and pay by phone, or come by CCE-Tompkins during business hours to sign up. Questions? Contact Adam