Beth’s Natural Way – Stone Root – Hydrangea angos

Posted by  //  December 13, 2014  //  Articles, Beth's Natural Way  //  2 Comments

Truxton, NY
Phone: 315-247-3279

There are about 100 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs, small trees and root climbers in this genus. One can find them in China, Japan, the Himalayas, Indonesia and both North and South America. Drive past any cemetery during the summer months and you will see large, snow white flowers on a bush from two to ten feet in height. This is the famous stone root or hydrangea. Stone root is the folklore name of the herb hydrangea. It’s Latin name is Hydrangea angos. Hydrandea comes from the Greek word, hydor, meaning water and angos meaning jar, referring to the cup-shaped fruits. Another name for this herb is seven barks. It is an old native North American rememdy used by the settlers and later established in herbal medicine for urinary stones. The root and the flowers can be used as a tea or capsules to help disslove any gravel in the body. Gravel could mean a stone, cyst, tumor, polpys, uric acid, fatty tissue, swollen lymph nodes or calcium deposits. The root and flower is a sweet, pungent herb that acts as a diuretic, antiseptic, soothes irritated tissues and clears all body fluids of unwanted masses. Both parts of this plant are used for kidney and bladder stones, gallbladder stones, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and edema. According to the PDR for Herbal Medicine, no health hazards are known with the proper administration of this herb. However, it is warned not to take this herb for long periods of time. It could dehydrate a person causing dizziness, feeling constricted in the chest , constipation or dry mouth. Every year is different and this year sure proves that point. First the summer was too dry and hot, going to an even drier fall with the cold coming way to fast for our bodies to finish out its fall cleanse. This pattern has caused many bodies to get caught with too much mucus, uric acids and a too acidic body. Hydrangea helps by being a very alkaline herb as it helps to dissolve away the odd aches and pains one may be feeling. Hydrangea contains bitter principles that qualify it as a blood purifier. These compounds increase the production of urine and provide a laxative effect. This herb enhances the elimination process, especially in the urinary system. Stone root contains several flavinoids including quercetin and rutin. These compounds are believed to inhibit tumor formation, break up all lumps and reduce inflammation. It is very high in chromium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium and silica. Potassium phosphate or lecithin is the builder of our brain and nerves. In the book by Edward Shook, ND called Advanced Treatise in Herbology, he has the following formula for gout and stones. Use one quart apple cider (I use raw apple cider vinegar) to two ounces of hydrangea root that has been cut into small pieces. Let stand for twelve hours. Bring to a boil and slowly simmer for 30 minutes. After it has cooled, strain and keep in the refrigerator. Take four ounces a day for ten days. Externally, the flower is wonderful for dissloving calcium built up on any joints, including the neck. Use fresh or dried flowers into a poultice every day till the swelling reduces. This may take onky a couple days. Magically, hydrangea is found in cemerties to help un-hex the area. Do not get caught this year feeling behind, dissolve the unwanted so you can keep moving forward.

Beth Hill of Beth’s Natural Way!

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2 Comments on "Beth’s Natural Way – Stone Root – Hydrangea angos"

  1. Theresia Hermann July 13, 2022 at 12:02 pm · Reply

    I have calcium deposits in my thumbs which is very painful. Does hydrangea root herb break them up
    and does the body get rid of them. How is it used for that purpose.

  2. Theresia Hermann July 13, 2022 at 12:04 pm · Reply

    I just sent you an email but forgot to indicate the website.

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