Mike’s Fish Tank – Tetras

Posted by  //  June 24, 2013  //  Articles, Mike's Fish Tank

A tetra is one of several species of small freshwater fish from Africa, Central America and South America belonging to the biological family  Characidae.  The Characidae are distinguished from other fish by the presence of a small adipose fin between the dorsal and caudal fins. Many of these, such as the neon tetra, are brightly colored and easy to keep in captivity. Consequently, they are extremely popular for home aquaria. Because of the popularity of tetras in the fishkeeping hobby, many unrelated fish are commonly known as tetras, including species from different families. Even vastly different fish may be called tetras. Tetras generally have compressed (sometimes deep),bodies  and are typically identifiable by their fins. They ordinarily possess a caudal fin or forked, tail fin whose upper and lower lobes are of equaL size and a tall dorsal fin characterized by a short connection to the fish’s body. Additionally, tetras possess the four unpaired fins which include the caudal fin, dorsal fin, anal fin, and adipose fin, lending to the name tetra,  which is Greek for four.

While this adipose fin is generally considered the distinguishing feature, some tetras (such as the emperor tetras, lack this appendage. Ichthyologists debate the function of the adipose fin, doubting its role in swimming due to its small size and lack of stiffening rays or spines.

Here are some great community tank tetras: Emperor tetra, Black phantom tetra, Diamond tetra, Black neon tetra, Lemon tetra, Colombian red fin tetra, Loreto tetra, Cardinal tetra, best if tank raised, Ember tetra, Neon tetra and Kitty tetra. Combine one or more groups of tetras with some Corydoras catfish, hatchetfish or pencilfish and you will be creating a little of the Amazon in  your living room. Your fish will repay you with better colours, more natural behaviour and may even reproduce.

Pets A Plenty is located in the Blockbuster Video Plaza, Rte 281 Cortland, 753-9213. Open 7 days a week. We now have a website. www.petsaplety.biz. check it out. I post care sheets, coupons, new animal arrivals, contests and more. Any questions, email me at friskyy@hotmail.com

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