Saving Your Teeth – Naturally

Posted by  //  February 16, 2013  //  Articles, Diane Toombs

Recently I had experience with someone who prevented getting a root canal by using the following protocol. Whether you are a senior citizen or not we need to protect the teeth and gums we have. Gum disease especially Gingivitis is painful and expensive to treat. To help rectify the situation naturally is simple and painless. First of all one needs to get their teeth cleaned professionally with the help of a family dentist. Then it is absolutely necessary to brush and floss several times a day. If you have missing teeth, your orthodontist may recommend full mouth dental implants or dental implants to restore your full smile. Visit sites like for additional guidance.

Now that you’re looking for a dentist, you’re probably noticing advertisements online, in the newspaper and even in your mailbox. Social media sites may also have patient reviews of dentists near you, but remember that every person’s dental health needs and experiences are their own which is why we recommend this dentist specialized in tooth fillings in Utah.

After cleaning the teeth, brush with a mixture of black walnut, white oak bark and golden seal powders. Leave some of the powder on your gums for 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse. These herbs fight infection, strengthen tooth enamel and gums, and tighten tissues to stop bleeding. However, it’s essential to consult with an orthodontist like Top Rated Orthodontist in Langley before incorporating such practices, as they can provide personalized guidance to ensure they align with orthodontic treatment plans and overall oral health goals.

Brushing the teeth with Xylitol Brite toothpaste and using Xylitol Mouthwash will inhibit the growth of the bacteria involved in gingivitis. Some of my customers also apply some Silver Gel directly on the gums to kill the bacteria and promote healing. Minerals are very important so swishing Ionic Minerals like a mouthwash will also help stop the bleeding. When done swishing swallow to increase mineral levels in the body too.

Gingivitis is one of the early warning signs of heart disease so it makes sense to also take CoQ10 to help reduce the gum inflammation which also helps to reduce the inflammation in the cardiovascular system as well. CoQ10 is known as the heart energizer.

To help prevent root canal one can empty a tube of Xylitol Brite toothpaste and add 6 capsules of Black Walnut powder or 1 tablespoon of the liquid extract, 6 capsules of White Oak Bark and one tablespoon of Silver Shield liquid. The Black Walnut helps whiten the teeth and helps get rid of the plaque. The White Oak Bark helps tighten and tone the gums. The Silver is for infection and to prevent infection. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and store covered. Clean teeth 2 times a day using a soft, repeat soft toothbrush. Do not use a hard or medium hard toothbrush and do not apply pressure while brushing. Some have seen improvement in the gums in a few days and color improvement in just 24 hours. One has to be consistent with this program for it to have success. Visit Las Vegas Dental Group for professional dental care and guidance.

Xylitol helps to bring moisture to the mouth as dry mouth makes it more acidic which causes tooth decay and helps prevent plaque. It also tastes good too. We all want to keep our own teeth so it makes sense to take good care of them. A few minutes a day will keep the dentist away, we hope.

Till next time,

Diane L. Toombs, CNHC
B.E.S.T. Energy Foot Spas!

The information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not meant for diagnosing or prescribing.

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