May 11 – John Weeks to Speak at Lime Hollow

Posted by  //  May 3, 2011  //  Calendar of Events

The Cortland County Lime Hollow Bird Club is pleased to present the noted naturalist and authority on birds, John Weeks, on Wednesday, May 11th at 7 PM at the Lime Hollow Center for Environment and Culture, 338 McClean Road, Cortland, 607/662-4632.  All are welcome, including interested children.

Weeks will speak about birds and plants in fresh water wetlands.  His power point presentation, with colorful computer slides, will include photographs of nests, eggs and the young of the black tern, least bittern, pied-billed grebe, moor hen and red-winged blackbird. Weeks will comment about his studies of these birds and plants as those attending view the slides.

At the conclusion of his talk, refreshments will be served and Weeks will be pleased to sign copies of his book, Nature’s Quiet Conversations.

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