May 9 – Dividing Daylilies & Other Perennials

Posted by  //  April 23, 2013  //  Calendar of Events, Home & Garden

Spring is the best time to divide many perennials, and an OK time for many more.  In this hands-on workshop, we will demonstrate how to divide perennials such as daylilies, Siberian iris, Hosta, bearded iris, or phlox.  Come prepared to work!  We will tackle plants from the Teaching & Demonstration Gardens at Extension and Master Gardener private gardens.  Rain or shine (indoors if wet).   Dividing Daylilies and Other Perennials will take place Thurs. May 9, 6-8 pm at Tompkins County Cornell Cooperative Extension, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca.  Fee:  $12.  Limited to 10 participants; prepayment required to hold your place.  Please call 272-2292 for more information or registration.

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