3 Every Day

3 Every Day – Sun-Sweetened Strawberry Smoothie

Posted by  //  April 5, 2011  //  Articles

Hi everyone. My name is Abbie Teeter and I’m a Tompkins County Alternate Dairy Princess. With springtime just around the corner, everyone seems to be in an excitable mood. Who doesn’t love when the trees become green again, you can see your grass, and all the flowers start to pop up from the ground.

Everyone loves the happy colors of spring, and the sound of all the birds chirping in their windows. Spring also brings a new season in High School: sports season. Now is the time practices start getting intense, and teenagers start waking up really early to make it to them on time.

The American Dairy Association and Dairy Council have a fairly new promotion called Fuel Up To Play 60. This promotion is all about drinking milk, which is both nutritious and delicious, to keep your body energized for a tough workout of practice. Milk is the ideal drink for both before and after practices, so kids, but down those sugary energy drinks and pick up a nice cold glass of milk. It will keep your body, and mind, strong for both your practice, and the long school day as well.

So parents, when you see your high schoolers off in the morning, don’t forget to remind them of the importance of drinking milk, and getting their 3-Every-Day. Then, sit back, relax, and enjoy this nice strawberry smoothie for breakfast, so you too can be energized for the day.

Sun Sweetened Strawberry Smoothie

  • 6 large strawberries
  • 1/2 cup of your favorite yogurt
  • 1 cup of whole milk

Just blend all three ingredients and you have a fresh fruit smoothie. Additional fruits maybe added like bananas.

3 Every Day

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