October 1 – Grief & Forgiveness

Posted by  //  September 1, 2012  //  Calendar of Events

7:00 – 8:30 p.m. (please register by September 25)
Nina K. Miller Hospicare Center (172 East King Road, Ithaca)

When we lose someone we care about, many feelings emerge that are not easy to untangle. The ability to forgive the person we lost, ourselves, and family members helps heal anger, bitterness, and confusion in ways we may not expect. This workshop will explore several simple techniques to open to forgiveness.

Mara Alper’s documentaries Stories No One Wants to Hear (1993) and Forgiveness (2006) have helped world-wide audiences heal from emotional pain. Mara inadvertently became an expert in forgiveness because of life circumstances and her unwillingness to let the past deflate her life energy any longer. She teaches media arts at Ithaca College.

Free and open to the public, but please register by September 25. For more information or to register, contact Donna George, LMSW, FT at 607.272.0212 or dgeorge@hospicare.org.

“Forgiveness is a choice that allows us to heal on our own, without the offender apologizing or even acknowledging their part. We can also choose to forgive ourselves; sometimes this is even harder than forgiving another. We forgive not because we ought to, but because it will help us feel better.”
– Mara Alper, teacher, media artist, and writer

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