Help Protect your Home and Business during National Flood Safety Awareness Week

Posted by  //  April 3, 2012  //  Allstate, Articles

As part of National Flood Safety Awareness Week and in advance of the spring storm season, Allstate Insurance Company reminds Americans that now is the time to prepare for floods and consider their flood insurance needs. The average flood loss cost is $48,000 for homeowners and $85,000 on commercial property according to the National Flood Insurance Program. And, according to FEMA, higher than expected drought and fire conditions increase the risk of flash floods, especially as the spring storm season approaches. As for your business, it’s definitely a necessity to secure a commercial insurance in times of unforeseen business mishaps.

“Unfortunately, floods can happen anywhere, even in low risk flood zones. But there are a few simple things property owners can do to help prepare and protect their home and business,” said Jaclyn Darrohn. “Insurance coverage is critical. Some consumers mistakenly believe that flood damage is covered by most standard home, renters or commercial insurance policies. National Flood Safety Awareness Week is a reminder for everyone to talk to their local insurance agent before the spring storm season to get information about flood coverage.”

National Flood Insurance Program policies can take up to 30 days to go into effect. Contact your local Allstate agency to talk about your flood insurance needs.

Allstate and the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety offer these tips to prepare for floods.

If your house has been flooded and has water damage, look for a restoration company by searching for “restoration near me” immediately.

The tips provided here are guidelines. Please use your best judgment when evaluating your flood preparation needs. For more ways to prepare, respond and recover from a flood, visit the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety website.

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