April 2 – Mapping Global Bird Diversity

Posted by  //  March 19, 2012  //  Calendar of Events, Education

When:  7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Where: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca

Title/Speaker: “Putting the global diversity of birds on the map” by Walter Jetz, Associate Professor, Yale University

Description: From the tropics to the tundra, birds display a seemingly unrivalled diversity of life histories and behaviors. Thanks to the efforts of amateurs and scientists we have an increasingly solid grasp on birds’ geographic distribution worldwide and can start to map out, better understand, and more effectively conserve this fascinating variation. Professor Jetz will illustrate examples of his group’s research on the multifaceted global diversity of birds and how they attempt to assess its threats in a rapidly changing world.

Admission: Free

Contact: (800) 843-2473cornellbirds@cornell.edu

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