January 18 – Compost Curious?

Posted by  //  January 8, 2012  //  Calendar of Events, Home & Garden

6:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Introduction to composting at home. We will discuss the benefits of composting (for you, your wallet, and the world), some basic compost science, and information about managing your compost in winter and beyond.
We will cover:

  1. Why compost?
  2. What is compost?
  3. Compost needs – WONC (water, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon)
  4. Basic bins & maintenance (this will be brief – the March class will get into much more detail)
  5. Composting in winter
  6. Harvesting

To sign up call for this FREE session:
Call the Groton Public Library at 898-5055 or email to director@grotonpubliclibrary.org

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