July 21 – Monthly Asperger’s Support Group Meeting

Posted by  //  July 12, 2011  //  Calendar of Events

Families’ Support Group for Adults with Asperger’s – This amazing, fledgling group will meet again on Thursday, July 21st at 7PM in the basement of St. Luke Lutheran Church at 109 Oak Avenue in Collegetown (just behind Collegetown Bagels on College Avenue).  We have had three very successful meetings so far and have decided to keep the third Thursday of each month at 7PM as our meeting time, hence the meeting in August will fall on the 18th.  We hope to see even more new faces, along with friends that we are getting to know.  The adult Aspies are also invited again for refreshment and conversation.  If you have questions, please contact Robin L. Booth at rlmbooth@gmail.com.

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