Moravia Fire Department
Posted by Dustin Horton // January 24, 2024 // Articles
By Jaxyn Boyce
Established in 1873, the Moravia Fire Department was founded by the S.E. Day Hook and Ladder, and the Tuthill Hose and Fitts Hose Companies. It is a 100 percent volunteer organization that prides itself on the dedication of its members. Overall, the Moravia Fire Department services up to 4,000 locals of Moravia. In addition to their equipment, they also store a high-angle and collapse trailer for the Cayuga County Emergency Services.
As a fire department, they provide; interior and exterior fire rescue, and non-transporting basic life-saving services. Other services include; car accident rescue, flooding assistance like, basement pumping, and hazardous material cleanup. The Moravia Fire Department specializes in aiding with rope, ice, and trench rescue.
Every member is New York State-mandated Fire Certified. Interior Firefighters have to complete Interior Firefighting Operations (IFO) learning. To work on exterior fires, members have to complete Basic Exterior Firefighting Operations (BEFO). Then, every Thursday they conduct in-house training with State Fire Instructors. It has been noted that a big part of their operations includes the importance of training and education. Open to the public, they reach out to the local elementary school and teach young kids about fire safety and prevention. Moravia Fire Department partnered with the Cayuga County Healthy Neighbors through the program, Healthy Neighborhoods. The program ensures safer homes in the community and Locke by visiting houses and giving out safety products. For more fire preventative information it is listed on their website at moraviafire.com/fire-prevention.
Another way the Moravia Fire Department has community involvement is through the events and programs they hold. For example, in July, there are the Firemen’s Field days, and on Labor Day Weekend, they assist with the nearby car show. Every so often, the firefighters will host a chicken barbecue. A major program they have is called the Moravia Money Mania held annually. During this event, people can buy raffle tickets to win monetary prizes. It has been a tradition for over 20 years and continues to sell out. These dedicated members not only want to keep people safe but also work hard to have a lasting impact and relationship with the community. To learn more about the Moravia Fire Department they can be reached by phone at (315) 497-1700, or by email at moraviafd@gmail.com. They are located at P.O. Box 686, Moravia, N.Y.