Varna Volunteer Fire Company Celebrates Its 70th Year
Posted by Dustin Horton // August 31, 2023 // Articles
By Jaxyn Boyce
The Varna Volunteer Fire Company celebrates its 70th year, being established in 1953. The fire department covers or assists other areas like; Ellis Hollow, the Hamlet of Varna, and nearby communities. These dedicated firefighters are often the first on the scene with an approximate response time of five to ten minutes.
Varna first responders provide both interior and exterior fire rescue. Similarly, they provide Basic Life Support (BLS), along with any medical assistance resulting from non-fire-related calls. An example of this would be a car accident. Other services include; roadway assistance, hazardous material calls, meaning smoke or gas, and flooding support using pumps to remove excess water. Search and rescue can happen during a fire or a nature-related incident.
Most volunteers are New York State Emergency Medical Service (EMS) accredited and all members have more training than the minimum Federal Emergency Management Agency training. There are educational opportunities open to the public such as; CPR, First Aid, and BLS certification. In the past, this company has participated in a citizen preparedness course to educate how to respond during an emergency. Also, there is an annual open house open to the public where they can learn more about the hardworking members who serve to protect the community. Recently, this department was awarded $121,000 to purchase new equipment, and funded by FEMA. Varna Fire Department is in constant need of support to upkeep the quality they provide to locals.
As an outreach program for future firefighters, they help support the Dryden Summer Fire Academy Camp. Their purpose is to educate the public and possibly provide the information that may help save a life. However, there is also a dunk tank event that occurs in Ellis Hollow. These devoted firefighters have saved and continue to save its residents for over 70 years. The Varna Volunteer Fire Company is located at 14 Turkey Hill Road. For more information, their website is varnafire.org, and their Facebook page is listed as Varna Volunteer Fire Co. They can also be reached at the number (607) 273-2407.