Ithaca Dirt Riders 51st Annual Sprint Enduro – Sunday, August 20, 2023
Posted by Dustin Horton // August 1, 2023 // News, Sports & Recreation
In the early 1970’s, a small group of local off-road motorcycle enthusiasts came together to form the Ithaca Dirt Riders (IDR). It was their vision to provide some local trails and events for their club members and other to enjoy. A year later, the club chartered with the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA). With many of its member interested in the AMA sport of enduros, the club sanctioned its first event. This year is the 51st anniversary of The Ithaca Dirt Riders Enduro! It will be held on Sunday, August 20 at 253 Andersen Hill Road, Berkshire, NY 13736 starting at 9:00 am and 1:00pm (depending on class, age and bike size), The 9:00am ride is two hours long and the1:00pm ride is for the more experienced riders and is three hours long. The sprint enduro consists of three “loops” through fields and woods. It is a great experience for riders with many technical challenges for them. Riders can ride as young as 12 years old, if they have a bike with at least a 19” front tire. Back this year after a few years off though, is a youth event, with pee wee and mini bike classes. It will be held separately from the full-size bikes. There are NO spectator fees, but there is lots of chances to see your favorite rider during the event. Find out more about these events at amad4enduro.com or ecea.org or on Facebook, look for “AMA District 4 Enduro Championship” or “East Coast Enduro Association” for event information.
SO, WHAT IS A SPRINT ENDURO? Enduros are a cross-country event, which not only requires speed and ability, but also endurance (hence “Enduro”).
With a Sprint Enduro, the timekeeping element is not a factor. Fairly new to the enduro world in America, sprint enduros allow competitors to race against the clock on wide, fast-flowing trails and grass track. They ride a small number of special tests multiple times throughout the day, trying to improve their times each ride. There is a time limitation to complete the required test section or tests. The rider with the fastest time to complete the loops wins.
With the help of many volunteers and supporters, the Ithaca Dirt Riders have not only been able to host this local event, but many AMA national events over the years. IDR not only promote the sport of off-road riding, but also help the local communities, especially the local volunteer fire departments and emergency squads in the past, who provide great meals at the events, along with their services when necessary.
To get a better understanding on enduros, go to: americanmotorcyclist.com/getting-started-in-racing/ You will be amazed at how much the riders have to do (and remember!) as they ride the course. For other local and national off-road motorcycling activities go to americanmotorcyclist.com, www.ecea.org or go to the AMA District 4 website at: amad4enduro.com. Entry fee is $60.00 and you must join AMA and ECEA (East Coast Enduro Association) to ride. Pre-entries are highly recommended at: moto-tally.com/ECEA/Enduro/PreEntry.aspx Primitive camping and a food truck is available. QUESTIONS? Contact: Norm Foley at normanfoley@yahoo.com.