Danby Fire Company
Posted by Dustin Horton // May 30, 2023 // Articles
By Jaxyn Boyce
Danby Fire Company was established in 1946 and continues to operate using volunteers only. In fact, the majority of fire services across North America are volunteer based to this day. The Danby Fire Company’s volunteer mission is dedicated to public safety and protecting the people of Danby. While there is a separate fire department dedicated to West Danby, the two groups often work together in both regions of the town due to dwindling numbers of volunteers and the need to combine resources. State taxes and local government funding help support the general function of the Fire Company, but additional fundraising and grant assistance are required to make more significant upgrades to equipment not covered by Danby Fire District allocated monies. Public support in the form of monetary donations help the Danby Fire Company offset the significant costs of equipment upgrades like with the current “Jaws of Life” fundraising efforts.
Danby Fire Company provides an array of services that include traditional fire suppression (building/homes, vehicles, brush fires, others), but also rescue, medical assistance, and other supportive resources. More specifically, these firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) issue emergency non-transporting medical aid in conjunction with local ambulance services, and respond when Danby neighbors need additional help with illness or lift assist for falls. However, they also provide rescue and extraction from car accidents, removal of fallen trees and wires, and traffic control for various hazardous situations. Interestingly enough, they also work with the local police and state forest rangers to allocate missing person support. The volunteers of Danby Fire Company provide support for neighbors experiencing flooding, electrical emergencies, gas leaks, and anything else the public may need.
In addition to their crucial role in fire suppression and emergency medical assistance, the volunteers at Danby Fire Company often find themselves responding to some of the most tragic incidents—serious car accidents. Whether it’s extricating victims from a mangled vehicle, providing emergency medical aid at the scene, or coordinating with local authorities to manage traffic and hazards, their presence can mean the difference between life and death. Unfortunately, when a child is involved in a collision, the consequences can be devastating, leaving families grappling with emotional distress and unexpected medical expenses. In such cases, pursuing a personal injury claim can help alleviate the financial burden by covering medical costs, rehabilitation, and other damages. While first responders do everything they can to provide immediate care, ensuring that victims receive the necessary legal support is just as critical in the aftermath of an accident.
Notably, firefighters dedicate themselves to extensive state and local training that may be anywhere from 30-300 hours depending on their certifications. As emergencies are ever-changing with current times, every Monday night consists of training on both fire, rescue, and medical scenarios to maintain current preparedness levels. Equipment and vehicles require performance of regular upkeep/preparedness checks to ensure that in the event of an emergency, these dedicated volunteers can offer proper aid to their community. Anyone interested in learning more, or eager to become a volunteer can attend any Monday night training (7pm @ Danby Fire Station) or look for the next open house where public education and training programs (fire extinguishers, first aid/CPR, fire safety at home) are provided.
For additional community outreach and fundraising, Danby Fire Company hosts a variety of events like pancake breakfasts (drive through or sit inside) and chicken barbeques. They will have a presence in the upcoming Danby Summer Markets and will again host the annual Danby Trunk or Treat event for Halloween. Most recently, the Danby Fire and medical volunteers hosted a local Boy Scout Troop to help them earn badges for fire safety and prevention.
Danby Fire Station is located at 1780 Danby Road, Ithaca, NY. The station is not manned as the volunteers respond from their homes, jobs, or other locations when summoned by a portable pager they each carry. In an emergency, call 911 and for non-emergency contact, please call 607-272-8114 to leave a message. They can also be reached by email at station@danbyfiredept.org and found on social media (Facebook and Twitter).
Danby Fire Company is a collective group of dedicated and hardworking volunteer firefighters, medical providers, fire police, and support members who strive for excellence in public protection to shield and assist the locals of Danby in times of need.