Would You like to Help with Local Water Quality?
Posted by Dustin Horton // January 23, 2022 // News
Riparian forests provide streambank stability, regulate nutrients, provide shade to help regulate stream temperature, and provide habitat for aquatic and terrestrial organisms. In partnering with the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Trees for Tributaries program, the USC and local SWCD’s are able to supply FREE trees, materials, and technical assistance to qualifying landowners within the watershed to restore important riparian forests. If you have a river or stream on your property, please feel free to contact us for any additional information, and to see if your property qualifies. With our help you can begin to achieve your conservation goals within your riparian area!
The Upper Susquehanna Coalition (USC) is a collaboration of 22 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) and has numerous partners within New York and Pennsylvania; all of them being located within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We get projects on the ground by offering planning assistance, education, and by advocating for our water resources. Our mission is to protect and improve water quality and natural resources within the Upper Susquehanna River Basin. The USC is organized into teams to support conservation on agricultural and rural land; prioritizing practices such as: grazing, cover crops, stream restoration, wetland creation, and riparian or streamside buffers.
Other opportunities for you to join us by volunteering at one of our tree planting events, or applying to be one of our Riparian Buffer Stewards for the summer of 2022.
For more information contact us at Email: BUFFERTEAM@U-S-C.ORG or Phone: (607) 972-2352. Follow us on Facebook @UpperSusquehanna or visit our website uppersusquehanna.org/usc/.