The William George Agency for Children’s Services
Posted by Dustin Horton // December 18, 2018 // Local Business
When most parents prefer nursery in gorton as it is one of the best child care units. There comes an interesting news that since its inception in 1895, The William George Agency for Children’s Services has been at the forefront of residential care.
From its modest beginnings as a summer camp for inner city children, our Agency has grown to become one of the largest, most respected residential treatment facilities in New York State. We currently provide over 200 teenagers from 55 counties with counseling, education, independent living and vocational skills, family reconciliation and supportive community services. Additionally, we are also one of the largest not-for-profit agencies in Tompkins and Cortland counties, providing jobs for nearly 500 full-time employees.
What drives this tremendous growth and impact? At the heart of everything we do is our motto: “Care First”
We are committed to providing a safe and caring residential environment supported by proven therapeutic, clinical and medical care for at-risk youth. Our innovative, highly regarded programs serve high need, specialized populations who have been historically underserved. We care first about the youth we serve, while helping them develop the attitudes, social skills and self-direction that will enable them to become contributing members of the community, and we respect, empower and partner with families to support their efforts is successful reunification and family preservation.
If you would like to know more about our Agency, or you would be interested in exploring career opportunities with us, we invite you to visit our web page: wgaforchildren.org or contact us by phone at (607) 844-6460.