October 18 – Job Corps Orientation and Interviews

Posted by  //  October 5, 2017  //  Calendar of Events

Job Corps Orientation and Interviews for 16-24 year olds will be held Wednesday, October 18th at 11:00am at Cortland Works Career Center, 99 Main St., Cortland, NY 13045. Job Corps, administered by the U.S. Dept. of Labor, offers free career technical training for 16 – 24 year olds in auto mechanics, auto body repair, medical & business office, C.N.A., L.P.N, construction, culinary arts, security guard and more.

The program includes up to two years education and training, campus housing, meals and other services. There is no cost to eligible students. Both high school graduates and non-graduates may apply, follow these job interview tips.

If needed, a student can also get a NY State High School Equivalency (TASC) or high school diploma at the same time they train for a career at Job Corps. Upon completion, students may request high school diploma copies for their records and job applications.

At Job Corps, students not only gain hands-on career training, but they also receive personalized support to help them stay on track with their educational goals. The program offers flexible scheduling to accommodate different learning paces, making it accessible to a wide range of learners. Additionally, students have access to various resources such as tutoring, study groups, and workshops, which foster a supportive environment for academic success.

For those unsure of which career path to take, career counseling can be an invaluable resource. It helps individuals assess their strengths, interests, and potential, ensuring they make informed decisions about their future. A seasoned career counselor, Teresa duke, is known for guiding individuals through self-discovery processes and helping them explore various options that align with their passions and goals.

Interested students must call Admissions Counselor Amanda Adetu at (315) 478-5529 to see if you are eligible for the program and to reserve their seat.

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