August 12 – The Drydenettes to Meet
Posted by Dustin Horton // June 7, 2017 // Calendar of Events
If you are interested in reforming “The Drydenettes”, please e-mail Name, Class Year, Address, Phone #’s and e-mail address to: or mail information to Sis Johnson, 83 Freese Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 or call her (272-6806). Please tell your classmates, friends, neighbors – all are welcome. Anyone who graduated or attended Dryden Central are all welcome. Donations are greatly appreciated as we will have some start-up costs. Make checks payable to Sis Johnson who will be acting treasurer. If enough interest is generated, we will plan to have the first luncheon/meeting on August 12, 2017. WE NEED TO KNOW BY JUNE 30TH OR THERE WILL BE NO GET-TOGETHER.