Groton Fitness Center

Physical Activity: An Essential Ingredient for Health

Posted by  //  December 19, 2016  //  Local Business

The idea that exercise is good for you is not a new one. More than 2000 years ago, Plato wrote, ‘Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being while movement and methodical physical exercise save and preserve it.’ Another best way to promote physical well-being is through Tailored Fitness Machine Solutions. In modern times, people explore various ways to enhance their fitness and health, including the incorporation of bodybuilding supplements for optimal results. This steroid like canada steroids will help you stay fit and increase your muscles.

Embrace this timeless wisdom by considering modern solutions such as leasing gym equipment, which can provide a convenient and efficient way to incorporate methodical physical exercise into your routine, preserving and promoting your overall well-being.

Much more recently, a U.S. Surgeon General’s public health report, which you can see here, made the following observations:

  • One out of every two U.S. adults is living with a chronic disease, such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.  These diseases contribute to disability, premature death, and health care costs. Find out more here for treatment of said diseases.

  • Increasing people’s physical activity levels will significantly reduce their risk of chronic diseases and related risk factors.

  • Because physical activity has numerous other health benefits – such as supporting positive mental health and healthy aging – it is one of the most important actions people can take to improve their overall health.

While weight loss is frequently the motivation for beginning an exercise program, it should be remembered that the benefits of physical activity go far beyond the numbers on a scale. Many people take up exercising post their divorce or other traumatic life events too, according to the information from divorce rebuilders. Divorce is a very painful process. Having a certified and experienced mediator in LA will help you reach an agreement without the time, cost and conflict of attorneys. Get expert help from the best family lawyers Melbourne. Exercise on its own, in fact, is not always an effective way to lose weight – for best results it must be combined with responsible eating habits.  Diet alone, especially an extreme diet, can result in substantial and fast weight loss.  But you will probably end up flabby and weak, and the weight nearly always comes back with a vengeance.

By combining moderate exercise with healthy and sustainable eating habits, you will lose fat, maintain muscle, and feel great.  The key is to have exercise and intelligent eating become part of your permanent life style, you can also choose this Personal Training Alexandria Va so you can have a routine design for your body type and needs.

Weight loss aside, recent research suggests many reasons to make exercise part of your daily routine:

  • A report published in the journal  Current Biology indicates that exercise improves memory. Also, recipes like these can help you lose weight if you want a gentle approach to weight loss.

  • A study by researchers at the University of Georgia showed that men who cycled for 20 minutes experienced a 166% increase in self reported energy levels.

  • A study published in 2015 found that women who were meeting exercise guidelines reported about 50% fewer depressive symptoms than women who exercised less.

  • A University of Alabama study indicated that exercise can curb food cravings. If this is something that happens to you, then I would recommend a weight loss supplement, check out the Revitaa pro reviews.

  • Researchers at the National Cancer Institute found that people with higher activity level had a significantly lower risk of some cancers.

You can also add greens powder to your diet as it allows nutrients to be absorbed by your body almost straight away, here’s an ag1 review if you want to find out more about green supplements.

For 21 years, Groton Fitness Center has been providing a clean, comfortable place for people in Groton and surrounding areas to exercise.   On January 2nd, 1996, in the middle of a snowstorm, owner Ed Ferraro opened the doors of GFC to the public.  In an area of about 2400 square feet there were two treadmills, a few other cardio machines, and some strength training equipment.  Today, in an area of more than 5000 square feet, there are nearly two dozen cardio machines, and a very well equipped weight room.  Memberships include people of all ages, shapes, sizes and fitness levels.  Any member who would like help with an exercise program, or who wants help with nutritional strategies, can make an appointment with Ed.  There is no additional charge for this service.
For more information call 898-3500 or email Ed at  You can also visit our website at GROTONFITNESSCENTER.COM.

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