Pets a Plenty
Posted by Dustin Horton // August 17, 2016 // Local Business
Pets A Plenty opened in 1989. Our goal was to give Cortland the best possible Pet Store. Over the years we have found the best places to get fish, animals, reptiles, birds and snakes. We also have learned a lot over the years, from our suppliers, breeders and our customers and we pass that info to you. My wife is also a graduate of Cornell and is an animal science major. We pass all of our knowledge on to you, so you can have the healthiest and happiest pet.
A lot of our animals are from local breeders and thus are quite tame. Customers are always telling us that we have the friendliest animals.
We sell a wide variety of animals and their supplies such as an assortment of different type hamsters, guinea pigs, bunnies, gerbils, tame rats, chinchillas, lots of different reptiles and snakes. We also carry feeder mice and rats in different sizes and we have crickets, mealworms and superworms. Frozen fish foods, we have brine shrimp and bloodworms.
Pets A Plenty has 60 tanks of different types of fish, all in clean clear tanks. We carry pond fish too.
If you need a tank kit or animal kit, we have those and if you buy a kit, you also get a discount off the animal.
If you buy a tank setup, we give you free fish.
New fish, animals and supplies come every week. Don’t forget we carry all the supplies you need for your pet.
Treats, foods, toys, decorations, cages and more.
Right now, we have a great deal going on. Buy $10.00 in supplies and get a baby ball python for just $29.99
And another ongoing special, If you buy one of our lizard kits, you can get a baby leopard gecko for free.
If you need a certain thing ordered, go to our website www.petsaplenty.biz and fill out the contact form. I will respond within a day, or call us. 607 753 9213.
We are located on Rte. 281 across from Tops Market, Cortland. Our actual address for your GPS is 3925 West Rd, Cortland.
Pets A Plenty is open 7 days a week. Monday noon to 6, Tues and Wed. 10 til 6, Thurs, Fri, Sat, 10 til 7 and Sunday 12to 4
Stop in and check us out. We have a lot to offer.