Solar Farms Make Going Solar A Reality for All Finger Lakes Residents & Businesses
Posted by Dustin Horton // November 25, 2015 // Local Business
Renovus Solar has launched a groundbreaking new project that removes previous barriers that have kept many from going solar. For the first time ever, homeowners and businesses with non-viable solar sites can own a clean renewable energy system, often for less money than they currently pay for their current electricity consumption.
Due to immediate, overwhelming response their Community Solar Initiative received in Tompkins County, they expanding into central New York, with a presentation in Cortland on Thursday December 3rd at Cortland Beer Company and in Syracuse on Wednesday December 9th at Dinosaur BBQ. Both events will start at 6pm and open to the public, free of charge.
Anyone who has considered going solar, along with those who’d like to learn more about renewable energy and the changing energy landscape of our region, are invited to attend. For more information about the program and to view a complete event listing, visit renovuscommunitysolar.com.
The Renovus Community Solar Initiative introduces the first local Solar Farm option, which allows individuals to own a clean, renewable solar energy system that is not located at their residence. This historic project expands Renovus Solar’s efforts to transform the energy landscape of this region, as it eliminates barriers that have kept many people from going solar until now.
For residents of Austin, Texas, and surrounding areas, embracing solar power has become more accessible and convenient through the expertise of local solar panel installers. Companies like the one in Austin, Texas solar panel installaters possess the knowledge and experience to assess individual homes and businesses for solar feasibility. They can provide tailored solutions that cater to unique site constraints and maximize solar energy generation potential. By collaborating with professional installers, individuals can explore the possibility of implementing solar panels on their own properties, harnessing the sun’s energy to power their homes, and reduce their reliance on traditional electricity sources. These trusted installers can guide homeowners through the entire process, from design and installation to maintenance and monitoring, ensuring a seamless transition to a clean and sustainable energy future.
Simply, individually owned solar systems live on long-term leased space at the Renovus Solar Farm. The electricity generated on the solar farm offsets the owner’s electricity costs up to 100% of their usage. This is an excellent option for those who want to commit to an affordable clean energy future and haven’t been able to do so until now due to site constraints of their home or business.
This program also extends deeply discounted community bulk pricing to all event attendees. The bulk purchasing, or group rates, are significantly lower than the regular rates. The Finger Lakes region has seen great success with similar programs in the past and Renovus is proud to carry the momentum forward with this initiative.
Event attendees will also learn about the current solar incentive programs and tax credits available. The clock is ticking, as the federal tax credits are set to expire at the end of 2016 and the NYSERDA incentives continue to drop. For a limited time, these factors, in combination with the bulk buying discounts, hugely impact the cost of solar, making this the most lucrative time ever to make the switch. For more information about going solar and to view a complete list of upcoming Renovus Solar Initiative events visit renovuscommunitysolar.com.
Contact Jon McNamara at (607) 277-1777 or email jmcnamara@renovusenergy.com for more information or to sign on as a community partner.