August 6-9 – Chautauqua
Posted by Dustin Horton // July 17, 2015 // Calendar of Events
Homer Village Green
Homer NY
Some changes for Chautauqua in 2015: It’s a little different this year! Kids can come, too!
There will be two evenings of classes (Thursday/Friday); just as we have “always done it”, except that there will be 6:30 classes for kids AND a Bounce House on Friday.
When is the last time you played croquet? badminton? Helped tie a quilt for the homeless?
Watch for Saturday afternoon events!
Kids/Families can walk/run…check it out! – Saturday morning.
Saturday evening, Aug. 8 – Trivia for Families and Trivia for Adults…Kids-Who-Don’t-Have-to-be-in-Bed-by-7:30. We will END with worship on Aug. 9 at 11 AM.
Check for updates at