2015 Cortland County Dairy Parade
Posted by Dustin Horton // May 24, 2015 // Farming & Agriculture, News
The parade is June 2nd at 6:30 p.m. and starts at the corner of N. Main St. and Lincoln Ave. Awards for the parade will be presented and the 2015 Cortland County Dairy Princess will be crowned immediately following the parade on the Cortland County Courthouse steps.
Division I
N. Main Street (Lincoln Ave. to Madison St.)
1. Cortland City Police
2. Marine Corps Color Guard
3. 2014 Cortland County Dairy Princess- Courtney Randall
4. Cortland County Sheriff
5. New York State Police
7. Schwan’s Sales
8. City of Cortland Fire Department
9. The First National Bank of Dryden
10. Baldwinsville Marching Band
Division II
Lincoln Ave.
1. 2015 Cortland County Dairy Princess Contestant- Hailey Forbes
2. Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways
3. Walden Place
4. Cortland United Teachers
5. Baden Powell Council Boy Scouts of America
6. Cortland City Ballet
7. Cortland County Dairy Ambassadors
8. Ultimate Athletics Cortland
9. Crown City Little League
10. The Salvation Army
Division III
Arthur Ave.
1. 2015 Cortland County Dairy Princess Contestant- Maura MacNeill
2. Marathon Olympians Marching Band
3. Cortland County Jr. Fair Queen
4. Elizabeth Brewster House
5. Joy Bancroft
7. Cortland Celtic Festival
8. Cortland Crush Baseball Club
9. Farm Credit East
10. Cortland LGBT Resource Center
Division IV
Jewett Ave. (N. Main St. to Grace St.)
1. 2015 Cortland County Dairy Princess Contestant- Addison Randall
2. Cortland High School Marching Band
3. Friendly Acres 4-H Club
4. Morton Buildings
5. Cortland Performing Arts
6. Cortland Regional Medical Center
7. Morey Towing
Division V
Jewett Ave. (Grace St. to Homer Ave.)
1. Tompkins County Dairy Princess
2. Homer High School Marching Band
3. Homer FFA
4. Anderson Farm Market
5. Total Care
6. Dovi Motors
7. Bill Bros. Dairy
8. Seven Valley Health Coalition
9. Comando’s
Division VI
Maple Ave. (N. Main St. to Grace St.)
1. Salt City Royalty
2. Moravia Blue Devils Marching Band
3. Mark Helms
4. CFCU” Community Credit Union
5. Seven Valley Rollerz
6. Rick and Rich Towing
Division VII
Maple Ave. (Grace St. to Homer Ave.)
1. CNY Maple Festival Queen
2. Herb Barnhart
3. 7 Valley Street Rods of Cortland
4. Superior Plus Energy
Division A
Madison St.
III. Cazenovia Equipment Company
Leach’s Custom Trash Service
Camp Bayouca
“R” Own 4-H Saddle Club
IV. Virgil Fire and Rescue
Preble Milk Cooperative
V. McGraw Fire Department
CNY Family of Dealerships
VI. Cortlandville Fire Department
Empire Tractor
VII. ALNYE Trucking