February 24 – William Stoddard “The Lincoln that I knew”

Posted by  //  February 15, 2014  //  Arts & Live Music, Calendar of Events

The Homer Senior Center is having Martin Sweeney as William Stoddard “The Lincoln that I knew” on Monday night, February 24th at 3:30. Dinner is served after program: Yankee Pot Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots and Dessert, followed by pitch.

The center is open on Mondays 2-7pm, meal served at 4:30pm & pitch at 5:30pm. We are also open Tuesday thru Thursday 9am-2pm, lunch @ 11:30am, with more fun, activities & info. The Homer Senior Center is located in the lower level of the Homer Town Hall. Want to know more? Please call 749-2362.

The center is a service of the Nutrition Program, a unit of the Cortland County Area Agency on Aging.

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