October 30 – Deadline for “Cortland Express” Community Art and Writing Project Send to Seven Valleys Health Coalition
Posted by Dustin Horton // October 14, 2013 // Calendar of Events
10 Kennedy Parkway, CortlandNY 13045. What does Cortland mean to you? What do you love about it? What do you wish you could change? Cortland Express is an art and writing project dedicated to exploring Cortland’s identity through the eyes and voices of the community. An initiative of TEDxCortland, Cortland Express aims to collect postcards to Cortland, written by anyone who has something to say (and you can remain anonymous if you choose). Postcards will be displayed at TEDxCortland on November 9, and will be available for other exhibits in the community. So get creative! Send a postcard by October 30 – painted, scribbled, antique, or handmade! More info at www.tedxcortland.com/#!