October 21 – Warbler Plumage Patterns that Make Capturing Insects Easier

Posted by  //  October 14, 2013  //  Calendar of Events

When: 7:30 p.m.
Where: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca
Speaker: Ron Mumme, Professor of Biology, Allegheny College
Description: The beautiful feathers of some birds are believed to send a message to potential mates about their health and status. In some types of warblers, however, conspicuous plumage patterns can serve an entirely different function: snagging a meal. Professor Ron Mumme will examine the role of plumage pattern in the foraging behavior of the Slate-throated Redstart of Central and South America and the Hooded Warbler of eastern North America.
Admission: Free

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