April 16 – Vegetable Gardening, Beyond the Basics

Posted by  //  March 2, 2013  //  Calendar of Events, Home & Garden

Learn about less common veggies, maximizing your crop, seedstarting tricks, which seeds to start when, techniques to extend the season, using microclimates, and more.  For a more basic discussion of how to get started with veggie gardening, attend “Getting Started with Vegetable Gardening” on Tues. April 16.  Veggie Gardening, Beyond the Basics, will be held Thursday, March 14, 6:30-8:30 pm, at the Tompkins County Cornell Cooperative Extension Education Center, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca.  Fee $5; pre-registration preferred.  Please call 272-2292 for more information or registration.

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