March 22 – Getting Started with Vegetable Gardening

Posted by  //  March 11, 2012  //  Calendar of Events, Home & Garden

This is the class for the beginning vegetable gardener! Learn where to site your garden, how to prepare the soil, how to start seeds, how to plant, when to mulch, and which easy veggies to try first. Pat Curran, Horticulture Educator, will also discuss favorite varieties, container gardening, and harvesting tips. Find out about Cooperative Extension’s “free seeds” cabinets! This class will be held Thursday, March 22, 6:30-8:30 pm, at the Tompkins County Cornell Cooperative Extension Education Center, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca. Fee $5; pre-registration preferred to ensure enough handouts. Please call 272-2292 for more information or registration.

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