September 24 – Compost with Confidence!

Posted by  //  September 17, 2011  //  Calendar of Events, Home & Garden

10:00-11:00am at the Compost Demonstration site, Ithaca Community Gardens (near the Ithaca Farmers’ Market)

Local compost experts provide information and give hands-on demonstrations to help you set up and manage a compost system in any setting. Each class of this FREE series (offered the last Saturday of the month, 10:00 to 11:00 am covers composting basics and a different special topic each month. September’s topic is “compost indoors.” We will focus on composting indoors using a double-can bin. We call this “stealth composting” because it defies detection. Stealth composting is also a good way to compost over the winter when outdoor piles are frozen and inactive. Come see and bring your questions! For more info contact Adam Michaelides at (607) 272-2292 or Next session: 10/29 Winter Composting.

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