Cornell Lab of Ornithology Monday Night Seminar

Posted by  //  September 17, 2011  //  Calendar of Events, Workshops & Seminars

When: September 26, 7:30 PM

Where: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca

Speaker: Stanley A. Temple, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin; Senior Fellow, Aldo Leopold Foundation

Topic: “Aldo Leopold, Phenology and Climate Change”

Description: Professor Stanley Temple will speak about how Aldo Leopold’s meticulous field notes from the 1930s and 40s have been used to reveal how plants and animals are responding to climate change and why we should care. On Tuesday evening, September 27, at 7:15 PM, in Willard Straight Hall, Temple will introduce the new documentary film (“Green Fire”) about Aldo Leopold’s life and how his ideas about the ethics of our relationship with the natural world remain relevant in our times. Both events are free.

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