3 Every Day

3 Every Day

Posted by  //  June 1, 2011  //  Articles

Summer greetings! Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, dairy princesses are changing and farmers are working their hardest. This is Lacey Foote your Tompkins County Dairy Princess…until Saturday. Sadly my reign has come to the end, but the pride to educate the public about the dairy industry will never leave me. It has been a great year seeing you anywhere and everywhere whether waving in a parade or in your child’s classroom. Thank you for supporting your local farmers and making my job so pleasing. I just wanted to mention how hard farmers work to keep their animals and land the best they can be. They are up before the sun and watch the sun go down…still working. Cows are like pets to farmers, they get mattresses to sleep on, “pedicures”, yummy food (to a cow), the biggest yard to play in you could ever want, and milked. Some people feel milking a cow is hurting them when really it is relieving them and if they did not get milked they would be sick and in pain. Farmers want the best land to work with so their crops are at the top of the line, so why wouldn’t they take pride in it? You may complain when that smell wafts through your window because the farmer down the road is spreading manure but he is just fertilizing his soil so his cows are happy to eat that food produced. Farmers are some of the hardest workers and my court and I are proud to be the ones speaking for them. Thank you girls for a great year…Rachel Bogardus, McKayla Pollack, Abbie Teeter, Hannah Baker, Mackenzie Weaver, Selena Stuttle, Helen Moore and Lizzy Drake. You are all amazing young woman I had to much fun with you all…just because my reign is over doesn’t mean I am hitting the road and leaving you. I will always be there to help! Keep doing what we do best and make sure everyone has their 3 servings of dairy everyday!

3 Every Day

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