Seven Valley Chorus to Perform at McGraw Talent Show

Posted by  //  March 19, 2011  //  News

The McGraw Lions Club and McGraw Student Councils will once again host their annual Talent Show on Thursday, April 14 at 7:00 pm in the McGraw Senior High School.   The guest performers for the night will be the Seven Valley Chorus of Sweet Adelines.  They will entertain while the judges deliberate on the winner of the 2011 Talent Show.

Under the direction of Paulette Young, the chorus will sing tunes from their current repertoire as well as two songs they will take to regional contest at the end of the April, “My Buddy,” a classic barbershop ballad, and “Side by Side,” a lively up-tune from the 1920’s.

The talent show is sponsored by the McGraw Lions Club and the McGraw School Student Councils and will feature students performing a variety of acts.  Tickets are $4 for adults and $3 for students and senior citizens.  Come out and cheer on your favorites.   Monies earned will go to fund on-going student council projects.  For more information please contact Kathie Barnhart at 836-6278.

The Seven Valley Chorus is a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, the largest singing organization for women in the world.  For those who have never experienced music performed a cappella, 4-part harmony, barbershop style, than this is a great opportunity to get a taste of this wonderful American art form.

Women who love to sing are welcome to join the Seven Valley Chorus at any time.  You can check them out by attending a regular rehearsal on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm at the First United Methodist Church, 734 State Route 222 in Cortland.  Members come from all over Cortland, Tompkins, and Cayuga Counties, represent all walks of life, and have one thing in common – the love of singing and having fun.  If you would like to join this fun and flourishing chorus, or are interested in having them perform for your organization or social event, please call Diane Colf at 844-4155 for more information.

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