All posts in Arts & Live Music

May 18 – Presbybop
April 27, 2014, No Comments

4pm, United Presbyterian Church of Cortland. Concert by Presbybop, sacred jazz quartet led by Bill Carter, who has been ...

May 6 – Choral Union Concert
April 27, 2014, No Comments

8pm, Dowd Fine Arts Center Theatre, SUNY Cortland. Free concert. For more information call SUNY Cortland Performing Art ...

May 3 – Performing Arts Dept. Dance Demo
April 27, 2014, No Comments

7pm, Dowd Fine Arts Center Theatre, SUNYCortland. Free event. For more information call SUNY Cortland Performing Arts De ...

May 2-3 – Buddy Holly Tribute Band
April 27, 2014, No Comments

7:30pm, 19 Church St. Starring Todd Meredith, CRT’s Buddy Holly from last summer’s hit “Buddy! The Bud ...

May 2 – Classical Guitarists
April 27, 2014, No Comments

7pm to 9pm, United Presbyterian Church, 25 Church Street,Cortland. Music will be performed by students of the Guitar St ...

May 2 – First Friday Art Event
April 27, 2014, No Comments

5 to 8 pm. For details visit

May 1 – Gamba Obscura: A Concert of Early Music
April 27, 2014, No Comments

7:30pm, Dowd Fine Arts Instrumental Rehearsal Hall, SUNY Cortland. The Early Music group Gamba Obscura will present mus ...

April 30 – Vocal Recital
April 13, 2014, No Comments

4pm, Dowd Fine Arts Rm 110, SUNY Cortland. Free concert. For more information call SUNY Cortland Performing Arts Depart ...

April 27 – SUNY Cortland Gospel Choir Spring Concert
April 13, 2014, No Comments

4pm, Corey Union Function Room. Farewell concert for Director Robert Brown. Event features traditional and contemporary ...

April 25-26 – Senior Recitals
April 13, 2014, No Comments

Friday 7pm, Saturday 1-3-5pm, Dowd Fine Arts Rm 110, SUNY Cortland. Free concerts. For more information call SUNY Cort ...