St. Catherine

Sister Act: One-woman play shows life of St. Catherine of Siena

Posted by  //  April 11, 2011  //  News

Parish hosts performance by Bill Murray’s sister as part of 50th anniversary celebration

St. Catherine of Siena Parish will host an inspirational theatrical performance about the life of their patron saint in celebration of their 50th anniversary as a parish community.

Catherine of Siena: A Woman for Our Times, an original one-woman play by Adrian Dominican Sister Nancy Murray is set for Friday, April 29 at 7 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena Church, 302 St. Catherine Circle.

Sister Nancy Murray, OP, grew up in Wilmette, Illinois, one of nine children in the talented Murray family, which includes Academy Award-nominated actor Bill Murray. Sister Nancy has been performing this inspiring play about St. Catherine of Siena for numerous churches, schools, and organizations throughout the U.S. and the world since 2000.

“As I travel around, I see that people are hungry for a voice of truth, like Catherine’s, something that makes their faith relevant,” says Sister Murray. “I feel that she [St. Catherine] has a voice that says, ‘Don’t give up on the Church. Believe in it, its struggles and pain, and be a part of making a difference.’”

With simple props and a fertile imagination, Sister Nancy portrays St. Catherine of Siena as the colorful, strong, passionate and enthusiastic personality that she was.

St. Catherine of Siena, 14th century saint and patroness of the Dominican Order, was originally named Caterina Benincasa. She was the 24th child born into her family in Siena, Italy, in 1347. She later became a lay member of the Dominican Order. Catherine cared for terminally ill patients, ministered to those on death row, and provided spiritual direction to men and women in search of God. Though she lacked formal education, Catherine is known for her many letters sent to men and women of all walks of life. The letters, filled with wisdom and spiritual guidance, were the fruit of her relationship with God. Catherine is best remembered for “The Dialogue,” which contains the intimate conversations or prayers that she and God shared with each other. Catherine died in 1380 at age 33. She was canonized in 1461 and proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1970.

Tickets for the performance are $10 for ages 12 and older, $5 for ages 3-11, $35 for families. Tickets are available at the St. Catherine of Siena Parish Office, 302 St. Catherine Circle. For more information, call 257-2493 or visit the church website, For more information about Sister Nancy Murray, visit her website at

St. Catherine

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