Annual Meeting at the Dryden Community Cafe

Posted by  //  January 21, 2012  //  News

The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Dryden Community Center Cafe’, Inc. will take place at the Cafe on Monday, January 23rd, 2012, starting at 7:00 pm.  Please come and catch up with Cafe news and planning, and if you are a member (or if you cleverly start or renew your membership upon your arrival at the Annual Meeting)  then you are eligible to vote for the four open positions in our nine-member Board of Directors.

Who is running for the Board?  Perhaps you will be!  Our nominating committee is seeking additional people who are interested in a two-year stint on the Cafe Board of Directors.  If you are interested in joining the Board, or would like to suggest somebody else, please contact Evan Kurtz, chair of the nominating committee, at 423-2693 or by email at

Membership remains only $10.00 for individuals or $20.00 for couples/families.  There are few perks, honestly, other than voting for directors, occasional members’ events, and that warm feeling that you get inside.  But you will be a part of a successful not-for-profit community cafe adventure that against all odds is celebrating its fourth birthday this year.*  Of course, nobody is more a part of the Cafe than our amazing corps of volunteers.Please remember the Cafe if you have a bit of spare time and want to spend it among friends and friends to be, whether baking, behind the counter, fixing things or sprucing them up, or contributing your own particular talents in whatever way you and we can envision.  Regular or occasional volunteers are both warmly welcomed.  Please talk with our manager Suzanne at the counter, or any Board member, or just reply to Suzanne’s Cafe email, and we will point you in the right direction.  Thanks for all that you do, and see you at the Cafe!

*Actually, this year is really our first birthday, if you count from our first day of business on 29 February 2008.

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