Phil Shapiro’s Group Folk Guitar Lessons

Posted by  //  January 14, 2012  //  News


Once again, the Student Union Board at Cornell presents Phil Shapiro’s GROUP FOLK GUITAR LESSONS.  You can learn to play acoustic guitar, or improve your guitar playing, with this inexpensive course.

There are eight one-hour lessons, on Monday evenings, starting Monday, January 30th, 2012, in the International Lounge of Willard Straight Hall.  Registration is at the first lesson.  Just come, and bring a guitar.

7 pm BEGINNERS:  This is the class for those who have never played at all, or who have played just a little.  It teaches you to have fun with the guitar, and assumes no knowledge whatsoever.  By the end of the first lesson, you can play a simple song.

8 pm INTERMEDIATES:  This is for players with some experience, and knowledge of basic chords.  It’s for those who want to learn finger-picking, or break out of repetitious patterns.  It includes an introduction to improvisation.

Those who are unsure which class is for them should come to both.  One will be right.  The entire course costs $60, payable at the first lesson.  It is open to the general public.  For further information, call Phil Shapiro at 844-4535, or e-mail at

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