Dryden Dairy Day
Posted by Dustin Horton // May 7, 2020 // Festivals, News
The Dryden Dairy Day committee is disappointed to announce the cancelation of the 2020 Dryden Dairy Day.
While we won’t be able to gather in Montgomery Park in June, we still want to celebrate our dairy farmers – who are working every day to provide safe, healthy dairy products! Here are a few ways you can help us celebrate:
Milk Donation: We are partnering with Trinity Valley Milk and Dryden Central School District to supply fresh, healthy and local milk for the school food program. We have already donated over 400 gallons! If you would like to help fund milk for our families in need, visit our website for donation information, drydendairyday.org, or mail a check to Pat Brennan, 50 Lake Road, Dryden, NY 13053
Touring Parade: We are currently coordinating with village officials for a small touring parade through the village on Saturday, June 13. Join us while social distancing from your porches, driveways or sidewalks. We will post a parade route and estimated times on our website, drydendairyday.org, the week of May 25.
Cows in Time Square: We still want to show our pride for our essential farmers by decorating Time Square with dairy cows. Have a cow? Drop it off May 26 or 27 behind the benches in Time Square. A limited number of new cows will be available for purchase on the website; you can pick it up at Dryden Agway.
Scholarship: We are offering a $300 scholarship to a graduating senior in the Dryden School District who has been accepted to a two or four year college to study an area of agriculture. To apply: drydendairyday.org
Coloring Dairy Day Cows: While we won’t have voting, we are working with the district’s Kindergarten teachers to have the cow picture delivered to their students. We are also asking our entire community to join the festivities and post your creations to Facebook or Instagram (use #drydendairyday2020) or email it to us at knatts88@yahoo.com. The cow picture is available at drydendairyday.org.